* Stress Relievers

LisaDelong600x600What Does It Take to Get Over Losing a Child?

INTERVIEW: Surviving The Death Of A Child, & The Grief, from RN & Mom, Lisa DeLong.

Lisa is a registered nurse, a bereaved mom, author and co-founder of Justin Time Children’s House, an art based grief center for children and families experienced in the death of a loved one.

DATE: Saturday, January 3, 2015
TIME: 3:30 Pacific / 6:30pm Eastern (60 min.)

She is also a bereavement facilitator, and an inspirational speaker who has spoken on the famous TED x, TEDTalks.

She lost her 15 year old son Justin, to leukemia, and almost lost her other son to it as well. But fortunately, he is doing fine today.

Join Dave Nassaney, The Caregiver’s Caregiver, as he interviews Lisa, Hear this interview live.


January 3, 2015

How Can a Parent & Caregiver Survive The Death Of A Child and The Grief? Lisa DeLong

What Does It Take to Get Over Losing a Child?INTERVIEW: Surviving The Death Of A Child, & The Grief, from RN & Mom, Lisa DeLong.Lisa is a registered nurse, a bereaved mom, author and co-founder of Justin Time Children's House, an art based grief center for children and families experienced in the death of a loved one.DATE: Saturday, January 3, 2015 TIME: 3:30 Pacific / 6:30pm Eastern (60 min.)She is also a bereavement facilitator, and an inspirational speaker who has spoken on the famous TED x, TEDTalks.She lost her 15 year old son Justin, to leukemia, and almost lost her other son to it as well. But fortunately, he is doing fine today.Join Dave Nassaney, The Caregiver's Caregiver, as he interviews Lisa, Hear this interview live.ONLINE: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/davenassaney/2014/12/31/surviving-the-death-of-a-child-the-grief-from-author-speaker-lisa-delong
December 19, 2014

Share Some Caregiver Tips With Us!

“ Just a few things that helped me and were great time savers. Keep an updated printout of patients meds and directions. Doctor can provide one also. Take it to all doc appts and ER visits. […]
December 8, 2014

Caregivers, Keep Hope Alive (Video)

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November 15, 2014

Caregivers, Put Your Own Mask On First

We have all boarded an airplane to fly somewhere only to have the flight attendants direct our attention to the video explaining their emergency procedures. They usually go on to say, “In the unlikely event of […]
November 10, 2014

Caregivers, Don’t Wait Till Someone Gets Killed

Is your mom or dad still driving, even though they are exhibiting signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s? You are not alone! The hardest thing to do with elderly parents is to take away their last form […]
November 1, 2014

Caregivers, Here’s What Happens When An Old Mechanic Goes to A Nursing Home

October 20, 2014

Caregivers, Laugh And Releave Some Stress (Video)

(Video) Please be patient, it takes a moment to load. Worth it!
October 15, 2014

Homeless Ministry, Abuse Survivor, Caregiver, Radio Host, Joyce Lest

All based on love. Joyce has been in Ministry close to 30 years, reaching out to the homeless, elderly, disabled, poor and challenged. She also has a Ranch Vision, and is hoping that it will come into fruition very soon. She embraces all positive aspects of life. On her radio show, "Mama Joyce's Messages Of Hope," on the Blog Talk Radio Network, her mantra is Compassion. She always says, "We are to love one another, help each other and learn to forgive. We leave the judging part to God. We are to share unconditional love with others, offer a hand up, and give an ear to listen and even become a friend. My hope is that YOU can become someone who adds much love to our world one person at a time, one day at a time. Joyce comes from an abused background at the age of 5 she was molested by a neighbor. At home, her mother performed unspeakable emotional and mental abuses on her, as well as physical beatings. One day she threw out all of Joyce's clothes except for one outfit that she had to wear over and over again. This resulted in more abuse and bulleying from students at school because she was homely and overweight and was treated as an outcast. Her own sister tried to murder her 3 different times. As she got older, it only got worse: drugs, rape, pregnancy and auto accident which killed her baby. Another murder attempt, and a gang rape caused her to attempt suicide. Join Dave, The Caregiver's Caregiver, and hear Joyce's amazing and miraculous story of transformation and deliverance which came about through tragedy. Dave Nassaney is the author of numerous articles and books, speaker, life coach, and radio talk-show host for caregivers who are burned out, but his most important role is being a caregiver to his lovely wife, Charlene. His latest book that he is now working on is entitled: The Caregiver's Caregiver, Avoiding Burnout.
September 10, 2014

Maryanne Ehmann, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker,& Life Coach

Maryann was a highly skilled and educated professional, prosecuting attorney, and ministry leader, Maryann struggled with oppressive perfectionism, shame, and worry formed early on by childhood abuse, discrimination, and abandonment. External cultural expectations on women in the workforce and the church, caused further damage to her sense of worth and value. However, in His faithfulness, God reshaped her mindset and broke through its limitations when He put the study of His favor in front of her day after day for over a year and a half. Today Maryann leads and coaches those who believe that God has called them to more, but don’t necessarily have the clarity they need, strong sense of their value and identity, or the strategies and systems they need to implement their calling. Suffering burnout 3 time herself, she is an expert in guiding Caregivers in ways to avoid it.Join Dave Nassaney, The Caregiver's Caregiver, author of numerous articles and books, speaker, life coach, and radio talk-show host for caregivers who are burned out, but his most important role is being a caregiver to his lovely wife, Charlene. His latest book that he is now working on is entitled: The Caregiver's Caregiver, A Guide to Avoiding Burnout. It is designed to teach caregivers who are taking care of their loved ones (due to an illness or disability) how to take care of themselves FIRST. If they don't learn this, they will likely suffer burnout and become as helpless as the person they are caring for. Tune in every Wednesday at noon, PST, (Re-Broadcast Saturdays at 3:30pm PST) for interviews with experts in the caregiving field, as they discuss topics of great interest to caregivers, which will help them avoid burnout. The call in number to listen is (213) 943 3630.  Recorded podcasts after interview date can be heard on: www.DaveTheCaregiversCaregiver.com

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