
Robert Sidell 400x400Robert Sidell is nationally published author, motivational speaker, attorney, and radio host. Robert will be speaking about his dad, and the time he was a caregiver to him, as well as going through the grief process. He hosts the weekly radio show Success and the Law on CBS Radio 100.5 FM, KXNT Sunday evenings at 6:00pm. His book “The Gateway, Discover the Power to Live an Outrageously Prosperous and Happy Life” was nationally published. He has practiced law for 36 years, and has been in Las Vegas for over 30 years. He will bring an inspiring, uplifting talk designed to empower your group to greater success, fulfillment and happiness. Call 702 384 3847 to schedule Robert, or email him at for further information.
Join Dave Nassaney, The Caregiver’s Caregiver, author of numerous articles

and books, speaker, life coach, and radio talk-show host for caregivers who are burned out, but his most important role is being a caregiver to his lovely wife, Charlene. His latest book that he is now working on is entitled: The Caregiver’s Caregiver, A Guide to Avoiding Burnout. It is designed to teach Dave, The Caregiver's Caregivercaregivers who are taking care of their loved ones (due to an illness or disability) how to take care of themselves FIRST. If they don’t learn this, they will likely suffer burnout and become as helpless as the person they are caring for. Tune in every Wednesday at noon, PST, (Re-Broadcast Saturdays at 3:30pm PST) for interviews with experts in the caregiving field, as they discuss topics of great interest to caregivers, which will help them avoid burnout. The call in number to listen is (213) 943 3630. Recorded podcasts after interview date can be heard on:


September 29, 2014

Minister, Attorney, Caregiver to Dad, Radio Host Speaks on Grief – Robert Sidell,

Robert SidellRobert Sidell is nationally published author, motivational speaker, attorney, and radio host. He hosts the weekly radio show Success and the Law on CBS Radio 100.5 FM, KXNT Sunday evenings at 6:00pm. His book "The Gateway, Discover the Pow...
September 14, 2014

Caring for your Aging Parents, by Caregiver Dave Nassaney

Don't miss this interview about caring for your aging parents. Christopher Rausch is interviewing me on his radio show, "The Kickass Guide To Life" Monday 9/15/14 at 6pm PST. Call in # is 646-378-1582
September 10, 2014

Maryanne Ehmann, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker,& Life Coach

Maryann was a highly skilled and educated professional, prosecuting attorney, and ministry leader, Maryann struggled with oppressive perfectionism, shame, and worry formed early on by childhood abuse, discrimination, and abandonment. External cultural expectations on women in the workforce and the church, caused further damage to her sense of worth and value. However, in His faithfulness, God reshaped her mindset and broke through its limitations when He put the study of His favor in front of her day after day for over a year and a half. Today Maryann leads and coaches those who believe that God has called them to more, but don’t necessarily have the clarity they need, strong sense of their value and identity, or the strategies and systems they need to implement their calling. Suffering burnout 3 time herself, she is an expert in guiding Caregivers in ways to avoid it.Join Dave Nassaney, The Caregiver's Caregiver, author of numerous articles and books, speaker, life coach, and radio talk-show host for caregivers who are burned out, but his most important role is being a caregiver to his lovely wife, Charlene. His latest book that he is now working on is entitled: The Caregiver's Caregiver, A Guide to Avoiding Burnout. It is designed to teach caregivers who are taking care of their loved ones (due to an illness or disability) how to take care of themselves FIRST. If they don't learn this, they will likely suffer burnout and become as helpless as the person they are caring for. Tune in every Wednesday at noon, PST, (Re-Broadcast Saturdays at 3:30pm PST) for interviews with experts in the caregiving field, as they discuss topics of great interest to caregivers, which will help them avoid burnout. The call in number to listen is (213) 943 3630.  Recorded podcasts after interview date can be heard on:
September 2, 2014

Founder of North Star Elder Care, Patty Hedrick Interview

Patty is a registered nurse and the CEO and Founder of North Star Elder Care, a division of MLHCC, Inc. She is certified in rehabilitation nursing, case management,  life care planning, and is an elder care specialist, and testifying expert. ...
August 27, 2014

Caregiver, Author, Speaker, Former Pastor, Anthony DeFelicis, Speaks on the Loss of His Mom. to Cancer

Author, Speaker, Executive, Former Pastor, Anthony DeFelicis will be speaking on the grief process and how to get through it while he is still grieving his beloved mom's very recent passing. Anthony is currently authoring two books:  “Never Give Up – Light between a Rock and a Hard Place” and “Rite of Passage – Celebrating our Young Men and Women into Adulthood.”  He also sells anti-aging skin care products and teaches Tone-Bo Aerobic Kickboxing and Self-Defense classes.  In addition, Anthony officiates weddings, funerals and memorial services.  Join Dave Nassaney, The Caregiver's Caregiver, author of numerous articles and books, speaker, life coach, and radio talk-show host for caregivers who are burned out, but his most important role is being a caregiver to his lovely wife, Charlene. His latest book that he is now working on is entitled: The Caregiver's Caregiver, A Guide to Avoiding Burnout. It is designed to teach caregivers who are taking care of their loved ones (due to an illness or disability) how to take care of themselves FIRST. If they don't learn this, they will likely suffer burnout and become as helpless as the person they are caring for. Tune in every Wednesday at noon, PST, (Re-Broadcast Saturdays at 3:30pm PST) for interviews with experts in the caregiving field, as they discuss topics of great interest to caregivers, which will help them avoid burnout.
August 12, 2014

Sister Caregivers, Suzy Golden & Judy Aguino (Both Had Disabled Spouses)

Judy Aguino, caregiver to her husband who had severe diabetes and kidney failure talks about her experiences with caregiving, burnout and the grief process, along with her sister, Suzy Golden, who offers emotional support to her disabled husband due to...
August 3, 2014

Being a Caregiver to an Undeserving Parent, Christopher Rausch Interview

What do you do when your parent needs care, but doesn't deserve it? Christopher was a caregiver to his mom before she died of cancer. He really didn't WANT to take care of her, but he felt that he HAD to take care of her, even though she didn't really take care of him as a child and teenager very well. With his father nowhere in sight, his mother nearly gave him up for adoption. Instead, she struggled to provide a life for him while battling multiple psychiatric disorders. Because of her struggle to keep a job, he went from being an average 13-year-old kid living in a 4-bedroom house to being a homeless 7th-grade-dropout, living in the family station wagon — and, if that wasn’t enough, he had to share it with 18 cats and 2 dogs! 

 As a result of his mother’s limitations, Christopher constantly endured mental and physical abuse throughout most of his young life. For the next four agonizing years, Christopher suffered through — and survived — many painful experiences, which ultimately made him the man he is today! After deciding he wasn’t going to be a victim of his circumstances anymore,Christopher changed the course of his life. He overhauled his belief system and seriously got down to business. As a result, he proudly earned a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management, purchased two houses, married his love, and started his professional speaking and training career (Kickass Guiide to Life). 

Join Dave Nassaney, The Caregiver's Caregiver, author of numerous articles and books, speaker, life coach, and radio talk-show host for caregivers who are burned out, but his most important role is being a caregiver to his lovely wife, Charlene. Tune in every WEDNESDAY at NOON PST (Re-broadcasts Saturday at 3:30pm PST,) for interviews with experts in the caregiving field, as they discuss topics of great interest to caregivers, which will help them avoid burnout.

July 27, 2014

New York Times Best Selling Author (& Caregiver), Carmen Renee Berry Interview

Carmen Renee Berry is a well-known speaker, New York Times Best-Selling author, Book Coach and caregiver. Some of her many book titles include: WHEN HELPING YOU IS HURTING ME, GIRLFRIENDS - INVISIBLE BONDS - ENDURING TIES, DADDIES AND DAUGHTERS, and RE...
July 19, 2014

Elder Care: Owner of “Preferred Care at Home” RN, Jane Branum, Interview

Asking for help is not easy. Losing your independence is probably everyone's greatest fear. At Preferred Care at Home, in Valencia Ca. they understand this, and want to be there for you, by your side, every step of the way. They pledge to you that ...

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