Caregiver Tips

Maryanne3 400x400Listen to Maryann Ehman’s Story. Maryann was a highly skilled and educated professional, prosecuting attorney, and ministry leader, Maryann struggled with oppressive perfectionism, shame, and worry formed early on by childhood abuse, discrimination, and abandonment. External cultural expectations on women in the workforce and the church, caused further damage to her sense of worth and value.

However, in His faithfulness, God reshaped her mindset and broke through its limitations when He put the study of His favor in front of her day after day for over a year and a half. Today Maryann leads and coaches those who believe that God has called them to more, but don’t necessarily have the clarity they need, strong sense of their value and identity, or the strategies and systems they need to implement their calling. Suffering burnout 3 time herself, she is an expert in guiding Caregivers in ways to avoid it.

Join Dave Nassaney, at Dave, The Caregiver’s Caregiver Radio Program Today at 3:30pm PST. (24/7 afterwards).  We have a different guest every Saturday at 3:30 pm PST. They just might pick up a tip or two that could make all the difference in the world between surviving, or going over the edge and getting closer to burning out.

January 21, 2015

Shame, Perfectionism, Worry, Discrimination, Abandonment, Damaged Self-Worth, Caregiving

Listen to Maryann Ehman's Story. Maryann was a highly skilled and educated professional, prosecuting attorney, and ministry leader, Maryann struggled with oppressive perfectionism, shame, and worry formed early on by childhood abuse, discrimination, and abandonment. External cultural expectations on women in the workforce and the church, caused further damage to her sense of worth and value.However, in His faithfulness, God reshaped her mindset and broke through its limitations when He put the study of His favor in front of her day after day for over a year and a half. Today Maryann leads and coaches those who believe that God has called them to more, but don’t necessarily have the clarity they need, strong sense of their value and identity, or the strategies and systems they need to implement their calling. Suffering burnout 3 time herself, she is an expert in guiding Caregivers in ways to avoid it.Join Dave Nassaney, at Dave, The Caregiver's Caregiver Radio Program Today at 3:30pm PST. (24/7 afterwards).  We have a different guest every Saturday at 3:30 pm PST. They just might pick up a tip or two that could make all the difference in the world between surviving, or going over the edge and getting closer to burning out.
January 20, 2015

Anger: Excerpt from my new book, The Caregiver’s Caregiver

Anger When fear, frustration or hurt feelings are not expressed, they turn into anger. Anger is a way to release pent up feelings that one cannot identify or explain. There are differing types of anger: There […]
January 19, 2015

Any suggestions on how a caregiver can sleep more than 3 or 4 hours a day?

Anyone out there want to share your secrets on how to get more sleep? Clever tactics, organization strategies that can insure uninterrupted sleep without putting your care-receiver’s safety? Please share your suggestions with us!!!  Thank you!! […]
January 18, 2015

9 Ways Caregivers can Avoid Financial Ruin and Abuse with Alzheimer’s Patients

Did you know current statistics indicate that 15% of people living with dementia have been victims of fraud, financial scams, telephone and mail scams? By Bob DeMarco Alzheimer’s Reading Room Sadly, the number of cases of […]
January 17, 2015

Denial: Excerpt from my new book, The Caregiver’s Caregiver

Denial The first stage of grief is denial. When a person suffers a loss, like Charlene did, the first reaction is typically rejecting the idea that what is occurring is really taking place. This is a […]
January 16, 2015

Is Alzheimer’s Torturing Their Caregivers?

About AuthorAlzheimer’s Reading Room I’m really no different than any other Alzheimer’s caregiver. More or less, I felt how most Alzheimer’s caregivers felt when the diagnosis becomes “official”.Even though I knew it was true, I still couldn’t […]
January 13, 2015

My Tribute to Andrae’ Crouch; By His Friends & Former FB Admin, Dave Nassaney – Caregiver

Call in TODAY to speak with Dave Nassaney, former Facebook Administrator to Andrae' Crouch (currently at 81,000 followers) and Andrae's closest friends, to share funny "Andrae' stories" and the good times we all had with him celebrating his zest for life. (Tuesday, 1/13/15, at 2pm, PST, (4pm CST, 5pm EST), at (213) 943 3630.  Those who knew him well are missing his beautiful spirit already, and his huge fan base will definitely be missing his timeless new anointed songs and arrangements!For those of you who had not heard, Andrae' Crouch, The God Father of Contemporary Gospel Music, died at age 72 from complications from Saturday's heart attack. Andrae' was an innovator, a path-finder, a precursor in an industry noted for its conservative, often derivative approach to popular music. He combined gospel and rock, flavored it with jazz and calypso as the mood struck him and the song called for it, and is even one of the founders of what is now called “praise and worship” music. He took risks with his art and was very, very funky when he wanted to be.When Michael Jackson or Madonna or Quincy Jones needed a gospel song or a gospel chorus, they called Andrae. That’s his music on the soundtrack to The Color Purple (where he earned an Oscar nomination), the Broadway musical The Lion King, and the pop songs “Man in the Middle” and “Like a Prayer.”His first gospel group included Billy Preston, Elvis recorded one of his songs. Podcast available Jan.14Full article is at: 
January 11, 2015

Caregiver Alert! You Need a Break

If you’re one of the 65 million Americans caring for an elderly relative or younger person with a disability, you need regular breaks to help protect your health and well-being. During the holiday season, you may […]
January 10, 2015

BURNED OUT? 10 Actions To Take TODAY to Survive Caregiving by Expert Sandra Champlain

There are over 100 million caregivers just in the United States, that is roughly one third of the population. That means that every single one of you probably knows someone who is caring for a loved one that is disabled, elderly, or has some kind of disability. That doesn't even include all the parents that are giving care to their kids who might have special needs, or the ones who are grieving the loss of a loved one who are in need of support of some kind.Caregiver Burnout is at epidemic levels! The sad thing is that if not corrected, these loving, dedicated and self-sacrificing heroes will become as sick or sicker than the ones they are caring for!Do them a favor, and share this post with them so they might be able to listen to my recorded pod-cast that airs on my radio show. Join Dave Nassaney, at Dave, The Caregiver's Caregiver Radio Program Today at 3:30pm PST. (24/7 afterwards).  We have a different guest every Saturday at 3:30 pm PST. They just might pick up a tip or two that could make all the difference in the world between surviving, or going over the edge and getting closer to burning out. We discussed the Grieving Process and how to survive grief and avoid caregiver burnout. Tune in by clicking the link below to listen to our special guest, author and speaker, Sandra Champlain.

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